Help shape the future of your city by having your say on the projects and initiatives that matter to you. Sharing your feedback and ideas can help make Lake Mac an even better place for our whole community to enjoy.


Current projects

Lake Mac 2035

Our draft Lake Macquarie City Community Strategic Plan 2025-2035 is on public exhibition. You're invited to view the draft and make a submission before 10 February 2025.
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Closed projects

Community Engagement Strategy

We're committed to ensuring our community as input into the Council projects, plans and strategies that affect them.
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Planning agreement: Teralba conservation land

The planning agreement is associated with development land at 80 Minmi Road and 3 Transfield Avenue, Edgeworth, and conservation land at 5 Caravel Street, Teralba.
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Planning proposal: 1 Progress Road, Mount Hutton

The objective of this planning proposal is to amend the Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 to rezone 1 Progress Road, Mount Hutton, from R2 Low Density Residential to E1 Local Centre zoning.
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Planning proposal: Housing diversity

The objective of this planning proposal (RZ/4/2023) is to increase the supply and diversity of housing in Lake Macquarie City.
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Planning proposal: 1496 Hue Hue Road and 106 Wyee Road, Wyee

The objective of this planning proposal (RZ/4/2024) is to amend the Lake Macquaire Local Environmental Plan 2014 to rezone 1496 Hue Hue Road and 106 Wyee Road Wyee, from zone RU4 Primary Production Small Lots to zone E1 Local Centre.
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Planning proposal: 130 Munibung Road

At its Standing Committee meeting on 12 August 2024, Council endorsed the planning proposal for 130 Munibung Road and part of 30 Mackenzie Parade, Boolaroo, and the subsequent amendment to the Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 came into effect on 25 October 2024.
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West Wallsend and Holmesville Heritage Conservation Area

Council is proposing changes to the planning rules in West Wallsend and Holmesville.
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Children and Families Strategy

Our Children and Families Strategy aims to create a supportive environment that nurtures the wellbeing and development of our youngest residents.
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North West Catalyst Area Place Strategy

The draft North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy will guide the future growth of Teralba, Speers Point, Boolaroo, Cockle Creek, Argenton, Glendale and Cardiff.
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Improving public transport

Lake Macquarie City Council has an important role to play in advocating for improved public transport options for residents and visitors.
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Draft Plan of Management for Teralba Reserve

Public exhibition of the Plan of Management for Teralba Reserve has now closed.
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West Wallsend Swim Centre expansion

We’re expanding West Wallsend Swim Centre to include a new learn-to-swim centre.
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Youth Strategy

Young people are the future of our city. How can Council support them to be their best?
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Boolaroo Heritage Interpretation Plan

We're proud of the rich heritage of Boolaroo and want to make sure it's preserved and celebrated now and into the future.
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Events and Festivals Strategic Action Plan 2024-2028

At its Ordinary meeting on Monday 22 July, Council adopted of the Events and Festivals Strategic Action Plan.
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Lake Mac Libraries, kawumalyikilba Strategic Plan 2024-2028

At its Ordinary meeting on Monday 22 July, Council adopted the Lake Mac Libraries, kawumalyikilba Strategic Plan.
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Planning Proposal: 87 Oakdale Road, Gateshead

At its Standing Committee meeting on 11 June 2024, Council endorsed this planning proposal.
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1377 Hue Hue Road, Wyee

At its meeting on 11 November 2024, Council endorsed the planning proposal for 1377 Hue Hue Road, Wyee, and authorised the planning agreement between Council, Wyee Nominees and TOPA Property. 
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Aboriginal Community Plan, bayikulinan

Lake Macquarie City Council is currently reviewing and updating our Aboriginal Community Plan, bayikulinan. The plan will support Council, where possible, to facilitate the needs of our Aboriginal and...
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North Creek Flood Study

Lake Macquarie City Council is working with consultant WMAwater to prepare a flood study of North Creek which includes Warners Bay, Lakelands and part of Speers Point.
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Community and Cultural Facilities Strategy

Lake Macquarie City Council owns and operates 95 community and cultural facilities across the city. This includes community halls, multipurpose centres, childcare facilities, Scout halls, Meals on Whe...
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Planning Proposal: Raffertys Resort

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the planning proposal for Raffertys Resort. At the 11 June 2024 Standing Committee meeting, Council endorsed the planning proposal and, separately, appr...
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Culturally Diverse Lake Mac 2025-2029

Lake Macquarie City Council is committed to ensuring our city is an inclusive and welcoming place, where the whole community can feel a sense of safety and belonging. Our Culturally Diverse Lake Mac P...
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Morisset Place Strategy

The Morisset Place Strategy is a long-term plan to guide the future development and growth of Morisset, a strategic location for population and jobs growth in Lake Macquarie.
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Flood planning for Morisset

Environmental and engineering consultants, Engeny, have been engaged to develop a flood study for various creeks in the Morisset area, providing crucial data on flood risks to guide future development and enhance community safety.
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Killingworth Paper Subdivision

The Killingworth Paper Subdivision consists of 24 residential lots that are owned by residential landowners and Council. While much of the land has been rezoned for residential development, the land c...
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Teralba to Toronto Climate Resilience Planning

The north-western side of Lake Macquarie between Teralba and Toronto offers a great lifestyle and it’s important we all protect and care for our community, environment and economy. We want to wo...
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Wyee Paper Subdivision

The Wyee Paper Subdivision consists of 199 residential lots that are owned by more than 140 landowners. Over the last few years, Council has spent a significant amount of time engaging with landowners...
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