What is a 7.12 Plan?

    Section 7.12 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment (EPA) Act 1979, allows a levy (development contribution) to be imposed when a development consent or complying development certificate is issued.

    How are the development contributions calculated under a section 7.12 Plan?

    Levies are calculated as a percentage of the cost of development as follows:

    For e.g. if the cost of a development is $500,000, the levy is $5,000 ($500,000 x 0.01 = $5000).

    What land in Lake Macquarie will the section 7.12 plan apply?

    The draft Plan applies to all the land in the Lake Macquarie local government area.

    What kinds of developments will be levied under the plan?

    In general, the s7.12 Plan will apply to non-residential development, residential care facilities, and certain mixed use developments and tourist developments.  The draft Plan does not apply to any non-residential development that generates a road haulage levy under Council’s other development contributions plans.  Section 1.3 of the draft Plan explains in full the development types to which the plan applies.  

    What information will I need to provide Council or Certifiers to calculate the levy?

    Applicants will need to give Council or their certifier the following information:

    Schedule C of the draft Plan details the information required for each report. Based on this information, Council will calculate the levy.

    How will the contributions be spent?

    Council will spend the money on the public amenities and services (works) listed in the drat Plan.  The full list of works is in schedules B.1 and B.2 of the draft Plan.  These schedules detail the works Council will provide, an estimate of their cost, and likely timing. 

    When is it likely to come into effect?

    The draft Plan will be on exhibition until 12 May 2019, and all submissions will be reviewed.  Following the exhibition of the draft Plan, a report of the exhibition and final contributions Plan is scheduled for Council’s consideration in June 2019.  If Council endorses the section 7.12 Contributions Plan, it is proposed to come into effect in June 2019.