How has the draft Planning Agreement changed?

    Proposed amendments to the planning agreement include:

    • Removal of delivering Alton Road by JPG (rather Council will deliver using grant funding)
    • New obligations at 750th lot to provide $3.5m (cash and in-kind) towards additional community infrastructure
    • Changes to triggers for the delivery of some works to assist with commercial delivery and align with community needs
    • Revised facility specifications for recreation and community facilities to meet current community expectations and Council’s standard of construction
    • A change in route of the shared pathways
    • Various general clauses that affect the operation and complexity of the agreement.

    The requirement to provide facilities, dedicate land, and pay monetary contributions to Council secured by the release of subdivision certificates remains unchanged from the existing PA.

    When did Council first enter into the Voluntary Planning Agreement?

    On 26 November 2008, Lake Macquarie City Council entered into a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) with Johnson Property Group (JPG) that related to the development of up to 2500 low and medium density residential lots, commercial lands, public recreation/open space lands, environmental corridors, and associated infrastructure. This VPA has been amended three times, the last of these being agreed on 19 December 2017.

    What are the plans for the Alton Road intersection upgrade?

    Council has secured a grant of up to $4.95 million for the design and construction of the Alton Road intersection upgrade. As a result, the PA needs to be amended to remove the requirement for JPG to provide the Alton Road upgrade and instead contribute to other needed infrastructure in North Cooranbong. 

    This grant accelerates the delivery of the Alton Road upgrade, and increases the amount of infrastructure being delivered to the local community.

    What is a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA)?

    A VPA is defined as a voluntary agreement or other arrangement between one or more planning authorities (such as Council) and a developer, by which the developer agrees to make public contributions towards a public purpose or objective.

    The terms Voluntary Planning Agreement and Planning Agreement are used interchangeably.