What is a Community Participation Plan?

    A Community Participation Plan (CPP) is intended to make it easier for the community to understand how to participate in planning matters in NSW. The requirement to prepare a CPP applies to all relevant planning authorities under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act).

    A CPP sets out how and when planning authorities will engage with its community on the planning functions it performs. The CPP must also set out the minimum public exhibition timeframes relevant to the planning authority that are provided in Schedule 1 to the EP&A Act.

    What planning functions are included in the CPP and what are the minimum exhibition timeframes?

    Planning functions

    Minimum exhibition timeframe

    Draft Community Participation Plan

    28 days

    Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement

    28 days

    Planning proposals for local environmental plans, subject to a Gateway Determination

    28 days or (gateway Determination)

    Reclassification of land

    28 days and a public hearing

    Local Approvals Policy – significant changes – new uses added or significant amendment made

    14 days

    Draft Development Control Plans and Guidelines

    28 days

    Planning strategies, structure plans or master plans that may result in changes to LEP and DCP through implementation

    28 days^

    Draft contributions plans

    28 days

    Draft planning agreements

    28 days

    Development application – application for development  consent (other than for complying development certificate, for designated development of for State significant development)

    14 days*

    Development application – application for development consent for designated development

    28 days

    Development application – application for development consent for State significant development

    28 days

    Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) obtained under Division 5.1

    28 days

    Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) – for State significant infrastructure under Division 5.2

    28 days

    *In certain circumstances, Council may dispense with notification. Notification may be dispensed with, except in relation to heritage items or heritage conservation areas nominated within Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014, when:

    1. Council is of the opinion an amended or substituted application (including applications under s4.55 or s8.2 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act) varies in a minor respect from the original application that was previously notified

    2. Council is of the opinion the development is of a minor nature that will not adversely affect the amenity of adjoining land or the locality

    3. The application is for a temporary use as detailed in Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 and in the opinion of Council will not adversely affect the amenity of the locality

    4. Development is for a new residential dwelling house and/or ancillary development to a house, provided the development:

    1. is a maximum of two storey and

    2. has a maximum height of 8.5m measured from the existing ground level and

    3. the external wall of the building is not built to the lot boundary.

    1. Development is for additions to a residential dwelling house and/or ancillary development to a dwelling house, provided the development:

    1. is a maximum of two storey and

    2. has a maximum height of 8.5m measured from the existing ground level and

    3. the external wall of the building is not built to the lot boundary

    ^ The updates to the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act do not mandate these documents to be part of the Community Participation Plan. However as they relate to planning matters and for transparency, Council is including them.

    How can i provide feedback on the draft Community Participation Plan

    The draft Community Participation Plan will be on public exhibition for 28 days. You can provide feedback by commenting on the project page or uploading a submission.

    Staff will also be onsite at Charlestown, Cardiff and Morisset Libraries during the consultation period to discuss further.