What is public exhibition?

    Council endorses the public exhibition of draft plans and studies to give our community an opportunity to provide feedback before the documents are finalised and adopted by Council.

    How long is the exhibition period for the proposed amendments to Lake Macquarie Development Control Plan 2014 (LMDCP 2014) and the draft Waste Management Guideline?

    The exhibition period is 44 days, from Saturday 9 July to Tuesday 21 August 2018.

    Where can I view the draft Guideline and proposed LMDCP 2014 amendments?

    The proposed LMDCP 2014 amendments and draft Guideline are available in hard copy at Lake Mac Library branches and Council’s Customer Service Centre, Main Road Speers Point or view the documents online.

    How can I provide my feedback during the public exhibition?

    1.  Online feedback form

    2.  Send written submissions to: CEO, Lake Macquarie City Council, Box 1906, Hunter Regional Mail Centre NSW 2310

    3.  Email [email protected].

    Why is Council developing a series of development control guidelines?

    Council’s 2018-2019 Operational Plan includes actions to create a series of development control guidelines to support sustainable development in Lake Macquarie.

    Why is community feedback important?

    Community input into these Guidelines during the public exhibition period helps to ensure the guidelines meet the needs of industry, Council and the Lake Macquarie community, and that all aspects of the development process are considered.

    Why has Council prepared draft Waste Management Guideline and proposed amendments to the LMDCP 2014?

    The draft Waste Management Guidelines have been prepared as supporting guidelines to LMDCP 2014 (and to replace the current guidelines prepared in 2014). To give effect to these new guidelines, amendments are also proposed to LMDCP 2014, which reference the guidelines. These amendments are required in several sections of the LMDCP 2014, as the amendments apply to multiple land use zones and specific land uses. These changes have been designed to aid landowners (and their consultants) by providing a clear, step-by-step process for the preparation of Waste Management Plans and include easy to use templates that have been tailored to each development type. The application of the guidelines should have the effect of significantly aiding applicants in their preparation of Waste Management Plans, clearly and consistently communicating Council requirements, speeding up the development assessment process, and make it easier for plans to be implemented (thereby improving operational waste management outcomes of new developments across the City).

    Why is waste management planning important?

    The effective management of waste is increasingly becoming a key issue for development projects.  This is especially the case with higher density developments, where operational and management issues from ineffective waste management can create legacy operational problems (and costs) for these developments, as well as negative amenity impacts within and around the developments.

    How will the revised Waste Management Guidelines and proposed amendments to the LMDCP 2014 deliver improved waste management outcomes for the community and a faster development assessment process?

    Council has had Waste Management Guidelines and associated development controls embedded in its Development Control Plans since 2004.  Achievement of these controls has primarily occurred through the requirement for applicants to prepare (and implement) a Waste Management Plan, depending on the use and complexity of the development that is being proposed.  The current guidelines were adopted in 2014. Since then, the density of development in the City has increased, particularly in relation to new multiple dwelling, commercial, and retail developments. These types of developments require updated guidance about planning for operational waste management at the development design stage. Good waste management system design generally results in good waste management operations for the development after it is occupied, which helps to ensure the waste collection services provided to the development are safe, efficient, and cost-effective.

    The growing demand for more detailed guidance on how to design and implement waste management systems in medium and high density development, and Council’s planned introduction of weekly food and garden organic waste collection services, has prompted a comprehensive review of the Waste Management Guidelines and associated controls within LMDCP 2014. In undertaking this review, Council officers have recognised and responded to feedback received from the development industry, which indicates that landowners (and their consultants) have not previously had access to clear guidance on the methodology and content required to design a functional Waste Management Plan that subsequent property managers or occupants can easily implement. This has resulted in circumstances where substandard Waste Management Plans are submitted to Council that require multiple iterations before meeting a suitable standard. This adds cost and time to the development approval process that can be avoided by improving the guidelines.