Morisset Place Strategy

Thank you everyone who submitted feedback on our Morisset Place Strategy discussion paper. Consultation closed on 14 September 2023. An engagement summary is now available to view online.

We are preparing a Place Strategy to guide the future development and growth of Morisset.

Morisset has been recognised by Lake Macquarie City Council and the NSW Government as a location of strategic significance for population and jobs growth, providing widespread benefits for the local government area and the broader Hunter region.

Council has prepared a discussion paper, which presents a vision for growing Morisset, and aims to enhance what people love about the area.

It proposes actions and studies that will be required to prepare and implement a Place Strategy for Morisset.

Cooranbong tops $1.3 billion Lake Mac development list

The once-sleepy town of Cooranbong is fast emerging as one of the region’s growth hotspots, taking out top place for the second year running in a list of Lake Macquarie suburbs with the highest value of approved development.

Community invited to imagine the future of Morisset

Community input is being sought to help guide the future of one of the fastest growing suburbs in the Hunter Region. Morisset is tipped to become home to an extra 12,000-plus residents within 20 years, prompting Lake Macquarie City Council to create a discussion paper outlining a vision for the regionally significant centre.

Regionally significant growth area map

The Morisset Place Strategy discussion paper imagines the regionally significant growth area of Morisset as being comprised of five precincts: Central, Morisset M1 Gateway, North Morisset, West Morisset and South Morisset.

You can use this map to share location-specific feedback about the precincts within the regionally significant growth area, as well as surrounding areas.

Area 1 (orange): Central Precinct

Area 2 (purple): Morisset M1 Gateway Precinct

Area 3 (green): North Morisset Precinct

Area 4 (pink): West Morisset Precinct

Area 5 (yellow): South Morisset Precinct

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