Local Adaptation Planning hits key milestone for Pelican, Blacksmiths, Swansea and surrounds

The two local adaptation planning projects underway for Pelican Blacksmiths and Swansea surrounds have now progressed to a feasibility assessment and state-government required cost benefit analysis.

In the first stage of the project, the Pelican Blacksmiths and Swansea surrounds communities identified hazards and risks relating to sea level rise and its impacts to local flooding and inundation in their local area.

Both communities have achieved the second stage milestone by identifying a list of potential options to mitigate these hazards and risks, which were reviewed by the community working groups and presented at community workshops:

Now, Council has engaged Umwelt Environmental and Social Consultants to undertake a detailed feasibility assessment of the options and prepare a cost benefit analysis with Department of Planning Industry and Environment in the coming months.

The feasibility assessment will ensure that the options considered by Council and the community are technically feasible and comply with planning and regulatory requirements specified in the NSW Coastal Management Framework. The Coastal Management Act 2016 establishes management objectives to each of four coastal management areas that apply across Pelican, Blacksmiths and Swansea. These include:

  • Coastal wetlands and littoral rainforest areas
  • Coastal vulnerability areas
  • Coastal environment areas
  • Coastal use areas

The feasibility and cost-benefit process will complete the third stage of the project and inform the development of the local adaptation plans. It’s expected that the two plans will be considered for adoption by Council in 2020.

The joint Council and community working groups preparing the Local Adaptation Plans will continue to engage with the wider community and share progress and findings of these important assessments.

Note: our local adaptation plans need to demonstrate compliance with the Coastal Management (CM) Act, which focuses on the ecologically sustainable development of our coastal areas that:

  • protects and enhances sensitive coastal environments, habitats and natural processes
  • strategically manages risks from coastal hazards
  • maintains and enhances public access to scenic areas, beaches and foreshores
  • supports the objectives for our marine environments under the Marine Estate Management Act 2014
  • protects and enhances the unique character, cultural and built heritage of our coastal areas, including Aboriginal cultural heritage.
If you would like further information about the Adapting Swansea Project, contact the project team on 02 4921 0333 or email [email protected].

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