New playground in Boolaroo

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Community feedback has been reviewed with option two being the preferred design in the majority of the feedback. Thank you to everyone who took the time to take the survey - you can view a summary of the feedback in the engagement summary report

Council will proceed with the preferred design option and work with the developer to determine any final design amendments. Community feedback will be incorporated where feasible, in alignment with Council’s Parks and Play Strategy. Please note, the designs below (including landscaping) are concept only. 

We are committed to providing vibrant outdoor spaces that allow our community to meet, connect, play and create memories with their loved ones. As part of this commitment, a new local park and playground at Boolaroo is planned to be constructed within the next 18 - 24 months, weather permitting. 

Feedback on the playground design options closed 5 June 2023.

Playground equipment design - option one

Equipment includes a four-metre tall rope tower, a rock-climbing wall, nest swing, twistas and a tossball tower. This design including landscaping is concept only. 

Playground equipment design - option two

Equipment includes an orbit rope climb, a rock-climbing wall with overhang, nest swing, twistas and a tossball tower. This design including landscaping is concept only. 

Community feedback has been reviewed with option two being the preferred design in the majority of the feedback. Thank you to everyone who took the time to take the survey - you can view a summary of the feedback in the engagement summary report

Council will proceed with the preferred design option and work with the developer to determine any final design amendments. Community feedback will be incorporated where feasible, in alignment with Council’s Parks and Play Strategy. Please note, the designs below (including landscaping) are concept only. 

We are committed to providing vibrant outdoor spaces that allow our community to meet, connect, play and create memories with their loved ones. As part of this commitment, a new local park and playground at Boolaroo is planned to be constructed within the next 18 - 24 months, weather permitting. 

Feedback on the playground design options closed 5 June 2023.

Playground equipment design - option one

Equipment includes a four-metre tall rope tower, a rock-climbing wall, nest swing, twistas and a tossball tower. This design including landscaping is concept only. 

Playground equipment design - option two

Equipment includes an orbit rope climb, a rock-climbing wall with overhang, nest swing, twistas and a tossball tower. This design including landscaping is concept only. 

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Which of the two playground design options do you prefer the most? 

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