Planning proposal: Housing diversity

About the project

Australia is currently experiencing a housing crisis affecting regional communities including Lake Mac.

Our city needs more diverse housing to support future growth, our ageing population and smaller households.

The objective of this planning proposal (RZ/4/2023) is to increase the supply and diversity of housing in Lake Macquarie City.

It proposes amendments to the Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 intended to contain urban sprawl by enabling housing growth in infill areas and allowing for a greater mix of housing types.

We invite you to review the planning proposal and make a submission before 14 October 2024.

Fast facts

Housing types

Housing types

In 2020, 84 per cent of houses in Lake Macquarie were detached dwellings. 

Household makeup

Household makeup

By 2036, couple families without children and lone person households will account for almost half of all households in Lake Mac.

Housing preferences

Housing preferences

In a 2012 study of Lower Hunter housing preferences, 46 per cent of households said they'd prefer to live in a semi-detached dwelling or apartment. 

  • Submission form: Housing diversity planning proposal

    You're invited to make a submission on our housing diversity planning proposal before 14 October 2024.