How can I participate in Lake Mac engagement activities?
Shape Lake Mac is an online engagement tool for Lake Macquarie City. If this is the first time participating in engagement activities, you will need to register using the link at the top of this page. You only have to register the once and then log-in each time you participate in an engagement activity. You can opt out by unsubscribing at any time.
What happens to my feedback?
All comments, ideas and suggestions received from the City’s engagement activities are collated and used to inform Council decision making processes for the development of strategies, programs and activities.
Where can I find more information on public notices and exhibitions?
Current public notices and exhibitions can be found on Council's website.
Why is Lake Macquarie City Council engaging online?
Traditional community consultation usually involves attending 'town hall' meetings or providing written submissions to Council, and this can often be time consuming and inconvenient, and sometimes intimidating. Shape Lake Mac gives you the opportunity to have your say on issues and opportunities that are important to you, at a time and place of your choice. It is a quick, safe and convenient way to have your say on a range of issues and topics. It is a great way to keep up to date and contribute your views on issues affecting your community. You can see what other community members think about an issue or topic, respond with your own views and engage in a discussion. You don't have to attend community meetings at a set place and time, you can contribute at a time and place that suits you. It allows for a range of different people, with different views to discuss matters that impact on their community and for individuals to better understand and acknowledge differing views and work together to provide solutions that benefit the whole community.
How can I provide feedback or make suggestions not relevant to the engagement activity being undertaken?
If you would like to provide us with any other questions, feedback or suggestions, please send an email to [email protected]. Your email will be forwarded to the relevant officer to provide a response. Alternatively you can complete the online form.
Is my privacy protected?
Any submission or comments received by Council in relation to 'Shape Lake Mac' projects, may be publicly available. Third parties may be provided with access to any submissions under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Council may also reproduce submissions in Council reports or in Court proceedings. You may like to review our privacy statement.