Council's Community Strategic Plan guides the future direction of Lake Macquarie City for the next 10 years, and shares the vision and aspirations for the future of Lake Macquarie and sets out the community’s long-term plan.
The plan is Council's key strategic planning document and is developed in collaboration with our community. It maps out the strategies and actions we will take to achieve our community’s long-term vision for the city.
The plan is reviewed every four years, following an election.
You can view our current Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032 online.
Submissions must be made in writing and received by 10 February 2025. You can choose to:
Hard copies of the draft plan are available to view at Lake Mac Libraries branches.
Your submission can be as concise or as long as you wish
Ideally, you will express your level of support for the proposal and provide detailed and specific feedback. The feedback will be reviewed by staff and later presented to Council to make an informed decision.
Should multiple submissions be received from a single resident regarding this project, the feedback will be reviewed by staff and counted as one submission when reporting back to Council.
Any submission received by Council will be publicly available on Council’s website. Submissions may also be accessed under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Council may reproduce submissions in Council reports or in Court proceedings.
If you have made a reportable political donation or gift in the last two years your submission must be accompanied by a political donations and gifts disclosure statement. For more information on reportable political donations or gifts, or to download a copy of the statement form, visit Please note failure to complete a statement, if a political donation/gift has been made, is an offence under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Feedback may result in changes being made to the draft Community Strategic Plan prior to a report being prepared for Council.
You will be notified again, prior to Council considering the matter, which will include a link to the Council report containing a summary of submissions and how feedback was considered.
Public exhibition
You're invited to review our draft Community Strategic Plan and make a submission before 10 February 2025.
We’ve transitioned Shape Lake Mac to a new platform provider. This means if you previously registered at Shape Lake Mac, you will need to sign up to create a new account to continue to share your feedback.
We understand this may be a little inconvenient, but the move will allow us to provide a better and more tailored experience for our users.
If you have already signed up to this new provider, please close this pop-up box and click login.