North West Catalyst Area Place Strategy


The north west of Lake Macquarie is expected to grow and change substantially over the next 20 years. The North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy outlines Council’s vision for this growth and development. It will also assist state agencies to prioritise, plan, fund and deliver infrastructure when and where it’s needed.

Other benefits include:

  • clearly identified development and growth opportunities that support private investment in locations consistent with our vision
  • a clear understanding of infrastructure needs and priorities to support government infrastructure planning and funding at the right time
  • potential for expedited planning proposals to rezone land where changes are consistent with the place strategy. 

Development of this place strategy has been overseen by a multi-agency steering group, which includes Council and state agencies responsible for planning and delivery of land use, transport and infrastructure improvements.

Stakeholder feedback from a variety of Council projects recently undertaken throughout the Catalyst Area has been used to develop this place strategy. 

The place strategy identifies precinct objectives to guide planning and infrastructure delivery. Changes to planning controls such as zones or building heights will be undertaken through developer or council-led planning proposals. Specific local infrastructure projects will be identified through Council’s four-year Delivery Program and one-year Operational Plan. This approach enables plans and infrastructure to be programmed in alignment with Council’s strategic priorities and funding availability.

Councill will use the place strategy to advocate to State Government to fund and deliver state infrastructure such as upgrades to arterial road intersections.

A place strategy is a plan for an area undergoing significant change. It shows where and how growth can occur and identifies the infrastructure needed to enable the cost-effective delivery of new homes and jobs.