Planning proposal: 130 Munibung Road

At its Standing Committee meeting on 12 August 2024, Council endorsed the planning proposal for 130 Munibung Road and part of 30 Mackenzie Parade, Boolaroo, and the subsequent amendment tothe Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 came into effect on 25 October 2024.

The amendment rezones part of 130 Munibung Road and part of 30 Mackenzie Parade, Boolaroo, from zone C2 Environmental Conservation to zone R2 Low Density Residential to facilitate residential development.

The site connects to existing residential-zoned land within the former Pasminco site at Boolaroo and is located close to services, shops and public transport. The land has an area of about 1.6 hectares, is located on the slopes of Munibung Hill and could potentially accommodate up to 22 residential lots.


Area subject to planning proposal