How to make a submission

    How can I make a submission?

    Printed copies of the DCP general amendment are available from the Council Administrative Building in Speers Point.

    I've made a submission - what happens next?

    Feedback may result in further changes being made to the planning proposal prior to a report being prepared for Council.

    You will be notified again, prior to Council considering the matter, which will include a link to the Council report containing a summary of submissions and how feedback was considered. 

    What should I put in a submission?

    Your submission can be as concise or as long as you wish:

    Ideally, you will express your level of support for the proposal and provide detailed and specific feedback. The feedback will be reviewed by staff and later presented to Council to make an informed decision.

    Should multiple submissions be received from a single resident regarding this project, the feedback will be reviewed by staff and counted as one submission when reporting back to Council.

    What is a development control plan (DCP)

    The Lake Macquarie Development Control Plan (LMDCP) 2014 is the supporting document for the Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014. It provides guidance and details requirements for development that should be taken into account when preparing a Development Application.

    Why is the DCP being amended?

    An amendment has been made to the Lake Macquarie Development Control Plan 2014 (LMDCP 2014) to provide guidance about the existing approval pathway and criteria that future development applications would have to address when seeking to vary the minimum lot size in environmental and rural zoned land.

    How do I interpret the changes marked up in the DCP?

    The document on public exhibition contains only those sections of LMDCP 2014 with changes proposed as part of this revision. 

    Where it is proposed to remove text, it is represented by strikethrough of that text. Proposed new text is represented by highlighting. 

    For a complete copy of the existing LMDCP 2014, visit: