Flood planning for Morisset


Under NSW planning laws, councils are responsible for managing local flood planning. This study will enable Council to enact future measures to improve safety and resilience for residents in the broader Morisset area.

Council has engaged a consultant, Engeny Water Management, to complete the flood study. The outcomes and recommendations from the study will improve protection for properties, assist planning for residential growth and development and improve management of our waterways. The flood study will help to inform future planning in and around Morisset, which has been identified as a key growth area under the Hunter Regional Plan 2041.

The final flood study will act as a supporting document to the Morisset Place Strategy when it is exhibited in 2024.

The Place Strategy will consider biodiversity, flooding, transport and other relevant planning matters usually considered through individual land rezoning proposals.

A flood study is required to be undertaken for Morans Creek, Stockton Creek, Upper Dora Creek, Mulards Creek, Clacks Creek and Melaleuca Creek and adjoining land that is impacted by flooding from these creeks.

Yes - residents have been invited to provide information on historic flood behaviour, flood levels, photographs and other relevant information of past events to assist the consultant in flood mapping and modelling.

The outputs of the flood study will provide Council with a better understanding of the:

  • variation in flood behaviour, flood function, flood hazard and flood risk in the study area
  • impacts and costs for a range of flood events or risks on the existing and future community
  • impacts of changes in development and climate on flood risk
  • emergency response situation and limitations
  • effectiveness of current management measures.

It will also help Council facilitate information sharing on flood risk across government and with the community.

Please direct any enquiries to Council officer Elsa Berger (City Resilience) in the first instance.

Phone: 4069 0023

Email: [email protected]

If your enquiry requires specific technical advice, Council will refer your question on to the consultants at Engeny Water Management.