Flood planning for Morisset

Project Overview

Thank you for your feedback on our draft flood study. Submissions closed on 10 January 2025.

In 2023, Council successfully secured state government funding from the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to undertake a flood study for the broader Morisset area. The study identifies areas at risk of flooding and will help inform development controls and planning for the area to ensure that it remains resilient to flooding events.

Environmental and engineering consultants, Engeny, have been engaged to develop a flood study for various creeks in the Morisset area, providing crucial data on flood risks to guide future development and enhance community safety. This comprehensive study complements the Dora Creek study from 2015 and includes advanced modelling and community input to assess flood scenarios and potential impacts.

The flood study was undertaken in accordance with the Flood Risk Management Manual and includes hydraulic and hydrological modelling, model calibration, as well as analysis of different climate change scenarios and a damage assessment. The study also identified various flood depths, velocities, as well as flood extents and flood hazard categories.

Community consultation was an important part of the study, with letters sent to the landowners in the study area and to the Mandalong Community Association in August 2023 to invite them to complete a questionnaire about their flood experiences.

Once adopted, the flood study will be used to inform the Morisset Place Strategy, as well planning certificates and minimum floor levels for new development. Once finalised, the study will be accessible on the Council's website and the NSW SES Flood Data Portal.

Morisset flood study investigation areas

The flood study includes Morans Creek, Stockton Creek, Upper Dora Creek, Mulards Creek, Clacks Creek and Melaleuca Creek, as shown in the image below.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.