What is a Planning Proposal?

    A Planning Proposal is the term used in Sections 3.31 to 3.36 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) for a document that explains the intended effect of proposed amendments to a Local Environmental Plan (LEP). It describes the intended outcomes, identifies and assesses the potential impacts that the changes to the LEP may have and provides justifications for making the LEP.

    Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 provides the framework for land use planning in Lake Macquarie. It identifies land use zones and other planning provisions, such as building heights and minimum lot sizes.  The LMLEP 2014 consists of a written document and a series of accompanying maps. You can also access an interactive map in the Spatial Viewer on the NSW Planning Portal to see the planning controls affecting a specific property.

    What land does the planning proposal relate to?

    The subject land is various lots off the Old Pacific Highway, Pinny Beach, which forms part of the North Wallarah Peninsula.

    What is the objective of the planning proposal?

    The objective of this proposal is to amend height and minimum lot size development standards, additional permitted uses boundaries and introduce an additional local provision for subdivision of certain developments at North Wallarah Peninsula.

    How does the planning proposal relate to other development applications on the site and other planning matters in North Wallarah Peninsula?

    The proposal will also ensure the provisions in LMLEP 2014 are consistent with, and give legal effect to, the building controls adopted in Part 12.6 North Wallarah Peninsula Area Plan of Lake Macquarie Development Control Plan 2014.

    The proposal will encourage housing diversity of dual occupancies and re-subdivision, while reflecting the sensitive landscape qualities of the site. The site comprises the residential subdivision approved under Development Application 1656/2019. 

    What is the North Wallarah Peninsula?

    The proposal is part of the North Wallarah Peninsula (NWP). The NWP has undergone decades of planning to develop several residential precincts. These precincts include the Coastal Village sector (adjoining Caves Beach), Northern precinct (which is the location of the subject site of the proposal) and the Lake sector (known today as Murray’s Beach). The Lake sector has undergone residential development, the Northern sector will be the second precinct to undergo residential development subject to the approved residential subdivision of DA/1656/2019 (i.e. the subject proposal), with the Coastal sector being developed as the final stage.

    What is the road access to the North Wallarah Peninsula?

    All precincts will have access from the Pacific Highway. The Northern and Coastal Sector Precincts will have two road accesses off the Pacific Highway connecting to the Old Pacific Highway. There will be no road access from Spoon Rocks Road, Caves Beach. Spoon Rocks Road will only be used as an emergency access for emergency services and will contain a locked access gate.

How do I make a submission?

    How can I make a submission?

    What should I put in a submission?

    Your submission can be as concise or as long as you wish:

    Ideally, you will express your level of support for the proposal and provide detailed and specific feedback. The feedback will be reviewed by staff and later presented to Council to make an informed decision.

    Should multiple submissions be received from a single resident regarding this project, the feedback will be reviewed by staff and counted as one submission when reporting back to Council.

    Any submission received by Council will be publicly available on Council’s website.  Submissions may also be accessed under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.  Council may reproduce submissions in Council reports or in Court proceedings.

    If you have made a reportable political donation or gift in the last two years your submission must be accompanied by a "Disclosure Statement of Political Donations and Gifts where Council is Approval Authority - Submitters" Form.  For more information on reportable political donations or gifts, or to download a copy of this form go to lakemac.com.au and search for "Political Donations Submitters".  Please note failure to complete a statement, if a Political Donation/Gift has been made, is an offence under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

    I've made a submission - what happens next?

    Feedback may result in further changes being made to the planning proposal prior to a report being prepared for Council.

    You will be notified again, prior to Council considering the matter, which will include a link to the Council report containing a summary of submissions and how feedback was considered. It is expected the proposal will be reported back to Council seeking adoption in mid 2023.