West Wallsend and Holmesville Heritage Conservation Area

Council is proposing changes to the planning rules in West Wallsend and Holmesville including:

  • Heritage Conservation Area: Amending the Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 (LEP) to extend the current Heritage Conservation Area to include the West Wallsend colliery and parts of Holmesville. This expansion aims to better protect the unique heritage values of the area.
  • Building heights: Amending the LEP to reduce maximum allowable building heights from 10m to 8.5m in selected areas. This change is intended to maintain the historical character and aesthetic of the area and is consistent with height controls for adjoining residential areas.
  • Lake Macquarie Development Control Plan 2014 (DCP): Revising the boundary of the West Wallsend/Holmesville Heritage Precinct Area Plan and updating controls and guidelines for development for increased clarity and precision.

Thank you to everyone who made a submission during public exhibition in September-October 2024. Council staff will consider if any further changes are necessary before we prepare a report with recommendations to Council.

Early consultation

Between 18 July and 15 August 2022, Council consulted with landowners to inform them of proposed changes to planning controls affecting their properties, and gathered feedback on building assessments prepared by Umwelt.  A summary of this consultation is available to view online.

Based on the submissions received, amendments have been made (where appropriate) to individual building descriptions and gradings, the working report and the draft area plan. 


The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.