Why are we proposing changes to the Heritage Conservation Area?
Council regularly reviews the local planning framework to ensure it is up to date, meets state laws and community expectations. The current Heritage Area Plan for West Wallsend and Holmesville is outdated and unclear, and does not sufficiently guide development or protect the unique heritage of the area.
The proposed changes include planning mechanisms that are more effective in protecting the heritage significance of West Wallsend and Holmesville, While providing greater clarity to Council, property owners/users and contractors. The proposed changes will ensure new development is compatible with the unique character and heritage significance of West Wallsend and Holmesville.
What is the evidence base for the proposed changes?
Council engaged Umwelt, an independent social and environmental consultant, to review the sections of the planning rules that relate to the West Wallsend Heritage Conservation Area and West Wallsend and Holmesville Heritage Precinct.
Umwelt’s work included thorough heritage research and field work, and an up-to-date evaluation of the heritage values in the area. Based on their findings, Umwelt recommended changes to the planning framework in a report. Community consultation on the recommended changes was undertaken before the report was finalised.
The proposed changes to the LEP and DCP are based on this work. The method and principles applied are consistent with current best practice for land use planning and heritage conservation, and align with the principles applied to other Heritage Conservation Areas in Lake Macquarie.
What are the proposed changes?
The proposed changes to the Local Environmental Plan and the Development Control Plan are complementary.
The Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 (LEP) provides the framework for land use in Lake Macquarie. It identifies land use zones and other planning provisions, such as building heights and minimum lot sizes. The plan also identifies items and areas of heritage significance. A number of buildings in Holmesville and West Wallsend, and the West Wallsend Heritage Conservation Area, are listed in this plan.
The proposed changes to the LEP include:
extending the Heritage Conservation Area to include the West Wallsend colliery and part of Holmesville
reducing maximum allowable building heights from 10m to 8.5m in the Holmesville town centre and parts of the West Wallsend town centre. This is consistent with general building heights in the area.
The planning proposal contains a detailed description and evaluation of the proposed changes.
The Lake Macquarie Development Control Plan 2014 (DCP) is a supporting document for the Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014. It provides guidance and details requirements for development that should be considered when preparing a Development Application (DA). These controls help to manage the impact of development on the environment, heritage and character of local areas, balancing growth with sustainability and community values. We have an area plan with specific controls for West Wallsend and Holmesville.
The proposed changes to the DCP area plan for West Wallsend and Holmesville include:
reducing the area for the plan so it is consistent with the Heritage Conservation Area in the LEP
updated general development controls
new graded development controls for individual properties.
Proposed changes are outlined in the draft DCP. New text is highlighted in grey, and text being removed has a strikethrough.
What are the building assessment categories?
Part of the Umwelt heritage works included assessment of individual buildings in West Wallsend and Holmesville. This involved a visual inspection of properties undertaken via vehicle and on foot. It involved external inspection from the public domain only. There was no internal access to any private buildings or property.
The individual properties were assessed for the contribution they make to the heritage significance of the Heritage Conservation Area, and given a grading on the basis of that contribution. This grading was applied based on the physical attributes of the building (such as architectural style and features) as well as its assumed age, visibility within a streetscape, condition, extent of change, etc. The contribution grading does not apply to any internal elements within a building.
Contributory 1 buildings make an important and significant contribution to the character of the West Wallsend and Holmesville Heritage Conservation Area. They have a reasonable to high degree of integrity and date from a key development period of significance.
Contributory 2 buildings do not detract from the significant character of the Heritage Conservation Area or heritage streetscape. They may include:
buildings that do not belong to a key period of significance
good contemporary infill development
buildings from a key period of significance that have been irreversibly altered.
Non-contributory buildings are intrusive to a Heritage Conservation Area or heritage streetscape because of inappropriate scale, bulk, setbacks, setting or materials. They do not represent a key period of significance and detract from the character of a Heritage Conservation Area or heritage streetscape.
There are individual building assessment sheets for each property. These may be found in the appendices of the Combined Working Report and Heritage Control Plan Study. Individual landowners were provided a draft assessment in 2022, and an opportunity to provide additional information. The assessments were updated following community consultation and some properties were regraded based on the information provided.
The purpose of the assessment is to provide clearer and suitable criteria for development to ensure that development does not reduce the heritage significance of the area. In addition to these categories, there are specific controls for locally-listed heritage items (listed in the LEP), and properties within the Appletree Grove estate.