Morisset is identified as a regionally significant growth area within the Hunter Regional Plan 2041 and, as such, requires the preparation and implementation of a Place Strategy.
Morisset is a good place for growth with its strategic location and qualities, including direct and easy access to the M1 Motorway, the Main North railway line, infrastructure availability, amenity, land availability, and proximity to the Central Coast, Newcastle/Hunter and Sydney.
Morisset will emerge as a regionally significant mixed-use centre supporting diverse businesses and services, as well as opportunities for more intensive multi-storey commercial, mixed use and residential development. Land release will be staged to optimise infrastructure delivery. Local strategic planning will identify infrastructure needs early, and coordinate transportation improvements and infrastructure provision to support the timely and efficient release of land for development.
Investigations into ecology and stormwater management are required to determine conservation and development potential. Development must be balanced with biodiversity conservation, within the broader context of the identified green corridors. Detailed ecological investigations will focus on:
- the location, nature and conservation value of vegetated lands, including any threatened species listed under State or Commonwealth legislation
- how this land, or parts of it, will complement green corridors
- the location of local ecological corridors, including riparian areas, and links to planned corridors outside the district
- the extent of potential biodiversity losses from development and the need for, and extent of, offsets.