Morisset Place Strategy

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  • Community invited to imagine the future of Morisset

    Community input is being sought to help guide the future of one of the fastest growing suburbs in the Hunter Region.

    Morisset is tipped to become home to an extra 12,000-plus residents within 20 years, prompting Lake Macquarie City Council to create a discussion paper outlining a vision for the regionally significant centre.

    Manager Integrated Planning Wes Hain said the discussion paper would contribute to a Morisset Place Strategy to guide future development and growth.

    “It’s no secret that Morisset is undergoing a lot of change right now, with new residential and commercial developments bringing new residents, jobs and investment to our city’s south,” he said.

    “The regionally significant growth area of Morisset, which includes the town centre, areas south of Morisset Station, north of Awaba Street and westward towards the M1, could be home to an extra 12,000-plus residents by 2041.

    “It’s important that we develop a plan to manage and make the most of this growth potential, while protecting and enhancing what people already love about Morisset.”

    Lake Macquarie Mayor Kay Fraser said Morisset’s location, transport links and emerging development made it a crucial focus of the city’s growth and prosperity in years to come.

    “There is so much potential in Morisset and surrounding suburbs, but we need to make sure we can realise that with minimal impact,” she said.

    The Morisset Place Strategy discussion paper presents a vision for growing Morisset, as well as draft objectives for managing growth across the five precincts that make up the regionally significant growth area, as identified in the Hunter Regional Plan 2041.

    “We’re inviting our community to tell us what they think of this vision, and help identify the opportunities and challenges we may face as we plan for Morisset’s future,” Mr Hain said.

    “Community feedback will help shape a draft Morisset Place Strategy, which we would prepare and implement in partnership with the NSW Government.”

    Visit to find out more.

    Feedback closes 31 July 2023.