Morisset Place Strategy

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  • Evidence base for the Morisset Place Strategy broadens

    We have completed two more studies to support the development of the Morisset Place Strategy, which will guide the future growth and character of Morisset. The studies are:

    The bush fire and resilience and growth studies are now accessible on the website.

    The bush fire study identifies areas at risk of bush fires, as well as matters to consider for potential future rezoning and development in the area.

    Additionally, we have nearing completion of a flood study for Morans Creek, Stockton Creek, Mullards Creek, Clacks Creek, Melaleuca and Dora Creek. This study is expected to be presented to Council for public exhibition in November 2024.

    The flood study identifies areas at risk of flooding and is based on extensive modelling, as well as consultation with the local community. The flood study will, in addition to informing the draft Morisset Place Strategy, also affect planning certificates and minimum floor levels for development. For more information, see Flood planning for Morisset.