Killingworth Paper Subdivision

News Feed

  • December 2024 update

    Construction of the Stage One servicing works is now nearing completion and is on track to be completed before Christmas.

    The next steps for the project following construction include:

    • prepare and register positive covenants on lots outlining future development requirements (a condition on the Hunter Water approval)
    • finalise the certification process with Hunter Water (Section 50 certificate)
    • issue the final invoice for the landowner agreement payments.

    Once the Section 50 certificate is obtained from Hunter Water, the project will be completed and the lots will be ready for development.

    The adverse weather and significant amount of rock encountered has caused significant delays throughout the construction phase of this project. We have appreciated your understanding and patience.

    If you have any enquiries regarding invoicing or the project, please do not hesitate to contact Land Development Officer Andrejs Rubenis at [email protected] or phone 4921 0026.

  • August 2024 update

    Construction of the Stage One works commenced in July 2024 with the following works having been completed to date:

    • Site establishment and preparation works
    • Installation of nest boxes to offset the removal of cleared hollows
    • Commencement of sewer infrastructure installation within The Boulevarde laneway

    The works are being undertaken by local civil contractor Centurion Civil who were engaged after a successful tender process. The current estimated date for completion has been extended from late August to mid-October due to ongoing unfavourable weather conditions and the significant amount of rock being excavated.

    Thank you to all participating landowners for your diligence in meeting the landowner agreement contribution requirements. All payments are currently up to date.

    If you have any enquiries regarding invoicing or the project, please do not hesitate to contact Land Development Officer Andrejs Rubenis at [email protected] or phone 4921 0026.

  • June 2024 update

    05 Jun 2024

    Since the last project update, we have been making exciting progress towards the delivery of the Stage One servicing works including:

    • finalising all design works and approvals with Hunter Water
    • seeking quotations via a tender process for the construction works
    • successfully engaging a contractor to undertake the construction works.

    Based on the current works program submitted by the engaged contractor, works will commence mid-June and be completed by late August 2024, weather permitting.

    As the works are about to commence, please be mindful of the due dates for the invoices issued for the landowner agreement contributions. A statement summary will be issued to each landowner this month.

    Summary of upcoming project steps include:

    • construction to commence mid-June
    • construction due for completion late-August
    • resolution of final landowner agreement contribution invoices.

    If you have any enquiries regarding invoicing or the project, please do not hesitate to contact Land Development Officer Andrejs Rubenis at [email protected] or phone 4921 0026.

  • December 2023 update

    18 Dec 2023

    As of December 2023, Council has countersigned all Landowner Agreements associated with the Stage One works. This action was approved by Council at their Ordinary Meeting on the 11 December 2023.

    As a result of this action, all Landowner Agreements have now officially commenced and the first payment notices will be issued in January 2024. Amounts to be invoiced and the frequency of Payment Notices will be as per the Payment Schedule in Schedule 2 of the agreements.

    Other project developments since our last update include Council successfully renewing the expired Hunter Water approvals. The renewal has, unfortunately, required additional design works to be completed that will delay completion of the final design. These design works have commenced and we anticipate being in a position to seek quotations for the construction of Stage One works by April 2024. This should enable construction to commence by June 2024.

    Summary of works completed since our last update:

    • Council countersigned and officially commenced all Landowner Agreements.
    • Expired Hunter Water approvals for Stage One works were successfully renewed.
    • Additional detailed survey and design works commenced as a result of requirements of renewed Hunter Water approvals.

    Upcoming steps:

    • Copies of the fully signed and executed Landowner Agreements will be issued to each landowner.
    • The first Payment Notices will be issued to landowners in January 2024, as per Schedule 2 of the Landowner Agreements.
    • Design works to be progressed and finalised with Hunter Water (anticipated April 2024).
    • Quotations to be sought via a tender process for the Stage One construction works (anticipated May 2024).
    • Commence construction of Stage One works (anticipated June 2024).
  • September 2023 update

    21 Sep 2023

    Council, as of this month, has successfully obtained all signed agreements from the landowners involved in the Stage One works. Unfortunately, the delay in obtaining these agreements has resulted in the project not meeting the expiry period on Hunter Water’s approval for the works.

    Council has made the necessary application to Hunter Water to renew the approvals required to proceed with the works. An outcome on the renewal is expected next month.

    As a result, the execution and commencement of payments under the landowner agreements will not commence until these Hunter Water approvals are renewed.

    Based on current expected Hunter Water timeframes, the first payment under the agreement is anticipated to be pushed back until November 2023.

    Once the Hunter Water approvals are renewed, Council will be in a position to progress towards construction and seek quotations to undertake all Stage One works (water, sewer and stormwater) via a tender process.

    Summary of works completed since our last update:

    • Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for water and sewer designs was approved by Hunter Water
    • Design completed and approved for stormwater works
    • REF for stormwater works was completed and approved by Council
    • All agreements now received from all Stage One landowners
    • Application lodged to re-new expired Hunter Water Approvals

    Please be aware that Andrejs Rubenis has returned as the primary contact for the project and can be contacted on 4921 0026 or email [email protected].

  • December 2022 Update

    14 Dec 2022

    As of December 2022, Council has received letters of intent (or an agreement to purchase land) from all landowners except one.

    Hunter Water’s approval for the Servicing Strategy expires in mid-2023. We will continue to work with the landowner to hopefully reach agreement and ensure that we can meet this expiry timeframe.

    We acknowledge the desire of some landowners to progress the service extensions as soon as possible, and we are taking steps to ensure that by that mid-2023 expiry deadline:

    • landowner agreements are provided to owners, and reviewed and executed
    • final approval from Hunter Water is issued
    • Council will commence contractor engagement.

    Since our last update:

    • Council has engaged a legal consultant to draft landowner agreements. These landowner agreements have been delayed due to ongoing discussions with landowners. Once agreements have been drafted, they will be forwarded to landowners/their legal representatives for their review.
    • We have worked with the water and sewer design consultant to prepare a submission for a Review of Environmental Factors and detailed design to Hunter Water for final approval. A response expected from Hunter Water in January 2023.

    We hope to receive draft landowner agreements and written agreement with the last remaining landowner soon and will provide an update in the new year. If you have anything you'd like to discuss in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me on 4921 0235 or email [email protected].

    Wishing you a happy and safe festive season.

    Carlos Ferguson,

    Land Development Officer

  • September 2022 Update

    05 Sep 2022

    Further to Council’s letter in June, we would like to provide an update to you regarding the proposed services extension at Killingworth paper subdivision.

    As previously noted, we have received letters of intent from the majority owners in the Stage 1 area. We have since been progressing discussions with the remaining landowners, which has included investigating options to progress discussions and the project, which has taken some time. Council’s strong preference remains to reach mutual agreement with all owners before progressing land owner agreements, to ensure any extension of services is transparent and equitable to all land owners.

    We do appreciate your patience, and certainly appreciate the benefits to all owners in progressing this in a timely manner. In this regard, Council will be hoping to progress the land owner agreements at the earliest opportunity following completion of owner discussions.

    If you have anything you'd like to discuss in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to give me a call on (02) 4921 0235.

    Kind regards

    Carlos Ferguson,

    Land Development Officer

  • April 2022 Update

    14 Apr 2022

    Council has been progressing investigations and designs to facilitate the extension of services to Stage One properties within Killingworth paper subdivision. This includes:

    • Servicing Strategy approval (with Hunter Water) for the water and sewer extensions
    • Draft water and sewer designs including:
    • Detailed survey of the site
    • Engineering designs
    • Approval documentation, inclusive of ecological and aboriginal heritage investigations
    • Stormwater servicing investigations.

    Click here to see the map of the Stage One area.

    Council now requires the cooperation of Stage One landowners to progress the service extension works at Killingworth paper subdivision.

    The relevant documentation has been mailed to Stage One property owners this week.

    For further questions, please contact Anthony O’Reilly on [email protected] or phone 4921 0135.

  • December 2021 Update

    14 Dec 2021

    Touching base with some quick updates on Killingworth Paper Subdivision before we close for the festive season.

    Work has continued to progress with the Stage One service extensions. Some further investigations have been required, particularly around stormwater, which have pushed our time frames back slightly.

    Despite these further investigations, we intend to be in a position early in the new year to commence discussions with you all regarding a preliminary commitment to stage costs and progression towards a formal agreement for the delivery of the Stage One services.

    Click here to see the map of the Stage One area.

    If you have any questions, please contact Andrejs Rubenis, Land Development Officer on

    4921 0333 or email [email protected].

    Wishing you and your family a happy and safe holiday season.

  • September 2021 Update

    30 Sep 2021

    Just an update to let you know where things are up to for the servicing of the Killingworth Paper Subdivision.

    Since the Killingworth Area Plan has been adopted, we have been:

    • Preparing the water and sewer design including:
    • Preparation of detailed survey
    • Undertaking ecological investigations
    • Working with Hunter Water regarding their notification of requirements
    • Obtaining legal advice regarding the preparation of a legal instrument that can be entered between Council and landowners for the works, their timing and cost sharing (apportioning)
    • Investigating stormwater requirements
    • Finalising the quantity survey costing of the proposed works.

    Staging of works

    • Council is working to commence construction of services at Killingworth in 2022. After careful logistical consideration, we’ve opted to deliver construction across two stages.
    • We will be sending landowners some information about the staged works shortly by email and mailed post:
      • This information will outline how the works will be staged and items that will be included in detailed design costs
      • We anticipate that the legal instrument will be sent to landowners by the end of 2021, followed by landowner meetings in early 2022.

    If you have any questions relating to Stage One works over the coming weeks, we’re happy to arrange an appointment to speak with you in more detail.

    Please contact Andrejs Rubenis, Land Development Officer on 4921 0333 or email [email protected].

    Click here to see the map of the Stage One area.

  • July 2021 Update

    01 Jul 2021

    We’re touching base with landowners about some important updates on Killingworth Paper Subdivision.

    Draft Killingworth Area Plan update

    Public exhibition of the draft Killingworth Area Plan ran between 19 April – 17 May, 2021.

    The Area Plan is scheduled to go to Council for adoption on 26 July, 2021. We received one formal submission and one question from the community which will be also presented at the Council meeting.

    If adopted, the Area Plan will be a step towards enabling Paper Subdivision landowners to lodge development applications to develop their residential lots.

    We’ll notify landowners once the Area Plan has been adopted. If, for any reason the Area Plan is not adopted at the 26 July meeting, we’ll report back to landowners on our next course of action.

    Meetings with landowners – overall costs and payment options

    We're in the process of finalising costs and will arrange a time to meet with landowners before the end of 2021 to discuss:

    • Overall costs and landowner payment options
    • Figures for construction and estimated time frames
    • Information about how construction works will likely be a staged.

    We will be in touch in the coming months to arrange the landowner meetings. Documentation associated with the above points will be issued to landowners to review and discuss with us at the meetings. All landowners are encouraged to seek their own independent legal and/or financial advice prior to discussions.

    We look forward to speaking with landowners soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions please feel free to contact Samantha Hardie directly.

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: 02 4921 0492

  • Public Exhibition of the draft Area Plan

    19 Apr 2021

    The meetings held with landowners last year brought to Council’s attention the need to establish an Area Plan for Killingworth Paper Subdivision.

    A draft Area Plan has been developed which is now on Public Exhibition for feedback.

    Public Exhibition details

    • The Public Exhibition will run from Monday 19 April – Monday 17 June, 2021.
    • You can view the draft Area Plan (6 pages) and make a submission at this link.

    If you have any questions, please direct your enquiry in the first instance to the Customer Service Centre on 4921 0333 or email [email protected].

    We will seek to clarify any questions you have as soon as possible.

  • March 2021 update

    04 Mar 2021

    Landowner meetings with Council

    Thank you to all the landowners who met with Council at the end of 2020. We appreciate people taking the time to talk with us and we will use your feedback and comments as we progress outcomes for the area.

    Killingworth URA Area Plan

    The lots subject to the servicing investigations make up the majority of the Killingworth URA (Urban Release Area). We’ve identified there was a need to develop an Area Plan as a first course of action to guide the development standards for the area. The plan will allow things such as roads and individual Development Applications to be assessed efficiently and effectively to assist with the development of the area.

    We anticipate that the draft Killingworth Area Plan will go to the Council Meeting on 12 April 2021 and if endorsed, it will go on public exhibition. This will be an opportunity for landholders to comment on the draft Plan.

    Investigations to provide services

    We are looking to progress the implementation of services as a privately funded project, not under paper subdivision legislation. Our initial focus will be on providing water and sewerage services to those lots with formed road frontage.

    In mid-2021, we will provide more information on the financial models to facilitate the works as well as the proposed development approach, expected timeframes and associated costs.

  • December 2020 update – and thank you!

    21 Dec 2020

    Touching base with some quick updates on Killingworth Paper Subdivision before we close for the festive season.

    Landowner meetings with Council

    Firstly, thank you to the Killingworth landowners who met with us this month.

    We appreciate you for taking the time to help us understand your current situations and aspirations for your lots. These meetings have been a vital step towards progressing an outcome for the area.

    We’re hoping to have all one-on-one meetings with landowners completed early in the new year. Once finalised, we can make our recommendations for the way forward, including the most suitable funding pathway for the development of services.

    Killingworth URA Area Plan

    From our recent discussions with landowners, we’ve identified the need to develop an Area Plan for the Killingworth URA (Urban Release Area).

    We will begin drafting the document in the new year to provide a coordinated and strategic approach to the development of the land. The Area Plan will also ensure that any future development of the land is completed in an efficient manner, considering environmental, social and economic issues affecting the site. This will meet the requirements under the Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 (LMLEP2014) and enable Council to permit development applications that meet the objections of this Area Plan.

    We anticipate the Plan will be presented to Council and exhibited before June 2021. We’ll be sure to update you on the progress of the Plan in the new year.

    Book in your meeting with us

    If you have not yet confirmed a meeting time with us, please do so on the contact details below.

    Contact us:

    Thank you again for your cooperation in 2020 - wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season!

    Samantha Hardie,

    Strategic Land Use Planner

  • Call out to landowners to meet with Council

    30 Oct 2020

    Council is pleased to report that investigations into initial costings are now complete, despite the challenges of COVID-19 restrictions.

    We are now reaching out to landowners to organise individual meetings to discuss:

    • Investigations undertaken to date
    • Initial costings for future development in the subdivision
    • Next steps for finalising the Development Plan delivering the proposed works.

    In December 2019 we ran a survey with Killingworth Paper Subdivision landowners. The results showed that the majority of landowners were supportive of development proceeding in the area and wanted it completed as soon as possible.

    In order to move forward, it is vital we speak with landowners to understand their individual situations, aspirations for their lots, and the potential costing options that would be most appropriate to progress the development.

    Next steps:

    If you are landowner, please call or email us on the details below to nominate three dates/times for your meeting. We will schedule a discussion with you at a mutually convenient time.

    Please confirm your meeting date with us by 11 December 2020.

    Landowner meetings are likely to be run online, however, we are happy to accommodate a face-to-face meeting if needed.

  • Update on the Killingworth Paper Subdivision

    24 Apr 2020

    We want to keep our City moving and we are continuing to progress project work, such as the Killingworth Paper Subdivision development plan, as much as possible under these new and challenging conditions relating to COVID-19.

    Council is continuing to follow all advice provided by Federal and State health authorities, taking measured precautions to ensure we do everything we can to keep our staff and community safe during this pandemic. A full list of available support and information on services and facilities is available online at

    So far, we have received preliminary engineering and ecological advice from relevant Council departments, which identifies the construction requirements to undertake works including road construction standards, stormwater expectations, and considerations for offsetting the clearing of trees.

    In the coming months, we will continue investigations to help inform residents about decisions for future development. Concept costings to develop the paper subdivision are being modelled and we will share these concepts with landowner groups for review and feedback. We are also happy to meet with you to discuss the development process and options.

    If you have any concerns or would like to discuss how the pandemic may affect the project or changes in your circumstances, please contact our project team. We are always happy to assist you. You can reach me directly on 4921 0492 or email [email protected].

    Keep up to date with the latest project news and FAQs, sign up to this project!

    Wishing you good health and wellbeing at this time.

    Yours faithfully,

    Samantha Hardie

    Strategic Landuse Planner - Integrated Planning

  • Update on Killingworth Paper Subdivision

    11 Dec 2019

    Thanks very much for completing our recent landowner survey. With the end of the year fast approaching, we wanted to provide a project update, as well as share key survey results.

    Information collected from the survey helped us understand how landowners would like to use the land. The results will help guide our decisions about how best to proceed with this project.

    Ninety per cent of landowners responded to the survey, which is a fantastic result. All of the responses indicated that you collectively would like the land to be serviced with roads, water, sewer and electricity, with most respondents wanting the connections to occur immediately or within the next five years.

    As previously discussed, Council received approval from Hunter Water Corporation to extend water and sewer services to the paper subdivision lots from mains beneath Westcroft and Park Streets and The Boulevarde. This approval is based on the Water and Wastewater Servicing Strategy and is valid only for a limited time. Substantial water and sewer works will need to be underway before June 2023 to meet approval conditions.

    The positive responses have prompted us to further investigate concept designs for the area. We hope to receive required information by early next year for the design of road and stormwater drainage as well as advice for biodiversity and bushfire requirements. These will inform our next landowner update scheduled for March 2020.

    Please ensure your contact information is up to date. If you would like to update your address, phone or email, please send new details to [email protected].

    Keep up to date with the latest project news, FAQs and opportunities on this website or register to Shape Lake Mac for regular updates.

    If you need any further information, please contact me on 4921 0492.

    Wishing you the best for Christmas and the holiday season and a happy New Year.

    Yours faithfully,

    Samantha Hardie

    Strategic Landuse Planner - Integrated Planning