Planning proposal: 1496 Hue Hue Road and 106 Wyee Road, Wyee

At its Standing Committee meeting on 10 February 2025, Council endorsed the planning proposal RZ/4/2024 to rezone the parcel of land at1496 Hue Hue and 106 Wyee road.

The objective of this planning proposal (RZ/4/2024) is to amend the Lake Macquaire Local Environmental Plan 2014 to rezone 1496 Hue Hue Road and 106 Wyee Road Wyee, from zone RU4 Primary Production Small Lots to zone E1 Local Centre. It also proposes to increase the building height from 8.5 metres to 15 metres, and remove the minimum lot size requirement so it is consistent with E1 zoned land next to it.

This planning proposal would allow development (subject to consent) on the land for the purposes of expanding the Wyee local centre with a range of potential commensurate land uses such as a supermarket, speciality retail, medical offices, childcare centre, gym etc.

Submissions closed on 5 November 2024.

Area subject to planning proposal

The subject site 1496 Hue Hue road and 106 Wyee road is shown in the figure above.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.