Wyee Paper Subdivision

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  • August 2022 update

    04 Aug 2022

    Minutes are available for the June 2022 Reference Group meeting.

    Contamination assessments

    Three detailed contamination assessments have been undertaken for different parts of the paper subdivision.

    1. Land in road reserves throughout the paper subdivision
      The detailed investigation identified some asbestos fragments in some road reserve areas. The investigation also identified the presence of household septic overflows in some road reserve locations.
    2. Conservation-zoned land in the south west of the paper subdivision
      Asbestos fragments were found in the road reserve and on one privately-owned lot. The owner of the lot has been separately notified and any required actions discussed.
    3. Former orchard area between Waropara and Pirama Roads
      A preliminary contamination investigation undertaken several years ago identified a former orchard between Waropara and Pirama Roads that required further detailed investigation. This detailed investigation has now been completed. The positive news is that the detailed assessment concluded that there are no significant contamination issues that would impact future development for the vast majority of the lots. However, there are two lots where asbestos was identified in surface soil. The owners of these two lots have been separately notified and any required actions discussed. For all other owners, the contamination assessment did not identify any significant contamination issues. As part of any future development, contamination assessments are likely to be required to confirm the land is suitable for the proposed development.

    Asbestos removal

    As a result of the contamination assessments, asbestos removal has occurred on all Council-owned road reserve land. Contractors, NAC Services, have identified, safely removed and disposed of the asbestos debris.

    Contractors, SLR Consulting, supervised the removal works and issued a clearance certificate to confirm completion. The removal of asbestos has occurred to ensure public safety, in line with Council’s policies on managing asbestos and illegal dumping on public land.

    Similarly, the NSW Department of Crown Lands has recently completed the removal of waste, including asbestos, from the Dillabirra Road reserve (Bushells Ridge Road end). Council is taking further steps to discourage illegal dumping in this area.

    We encourage residents to report any further illegal dumping to the Regional Illegal Dumping (RID) Squad on 131 555.

    Next steps

    As you may be aware, Council’s project officer Kirsty Hammer has completed her time with Council. Kirsty did a great job and was able to progress many of the issues within the paper subdivision.

    The designs for essential services have been completed and costed. The complexity of delivering these essential services is significant and will require State or Federal Government support to deliver it. Council staff are now shifting focus over the next 12 months to lobby the State and Federal Governments for funding, and to identify a delivery agency to be responsible for the construction of essential services. While Council staff focus on lobbying government, Reference Group meetings will be held less frequently.

    Council staff have also prepared a Risk Management Plan to mitigate the risks to residents, the environment and Council based on the current situation. The Risk Management Plan includes actions such as removing waste and reducing the bush fire hazard.

    Council staff are currently seeking a NSW Government grant to help fund this Risk Management Plan. Further information will be provided to landowners and residents when the outcome of our grant application is known.

    For any questions relating to the paper subdivision moving forward, please contact Council's Integrated Planning Team on 4921 0333 or email [email protected].